
Showing posts from May 19, 2019

Do Good Both Parents

Do Good Both Parents Allah Ta'ala said, "And your Lord has commanded that you do not worship other than Him and that you should do your best to your father as well as possible." (QS. Al Isra ': 23) In a number of verses, Allah always cooperates with the practice of worshiping the parents by putting Him in order and forbidding shirk. This all shows the greatness of the practice. Allah Ta'ala said, "Worship Allah and do not associate Him with anything. And do good to two mothers. "(QS. An Nisa ': 36) "Say:" Let me read what is forbidden from you by your Lord, that is, do not associate anything with Him, do good to the two fathers. "(QS. Al An'am: 151)

Become a Heaven Expert Through Children

Loss! Anyone among us who is blessed with offspring by Allah, still does not become an investment for him in the world and in the hereafter Loss! Anyone who has children, but instead actually drags him into hellfire Which parents are not sad when they see their children far from the Koran, do not understand about religion and morals that are far from good So, before your children become children who are lawless and do not understand religion, educate them from an early age with religion Teach about Islam from the roots to the leaves, do not let the viruses of secularism, liberalism and others enter your children Take care of him, take care of him, educate earnestly to become an investment in the world and in the hereafter Before sorry! Because how many parents have regretted not teaching their children with religion If someone dies, then the practice is cut off except for three cases, namely: charity fingerprints, knowledge that is used, or prayers of pious children. ...



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