Muslim Parenting Opening

Muslim Parenting Opening

In the Name of Allah, Ar-Rahmaan, Ar-Rah-Heem.

We pray that you are all in the best of health and eemaan. Muslim Parent Forum strives to help Muslim parents engage with their children, in a dedicated, yet friendly manner. We hope to provide important awareness about school education and to be an essential resource for home-school educators.

As parents we are faced with many challenges and dilemmas whilst raising our children. At times those dilemmas may conflict or even contradict our religious beliefs but the question remains.. how do we hold on to our Islamic principles and still have a strong identity, especially when our children are not happy to follow us because they feel isolated and different to everyone else? Do we compromise or be dictatorial?

It is no doubt that the western culture has had a huge impact on muslim family life and relationships rocking the very foundation of what should be a solid pillar and it continues to impact our lives and distort the roles and responsibilites of parents towards children and children towards parents, through values, like individualism and materialism. Hence we see today in our very own muslim communities mothers feeling happy that their children are in school so that they are able to have 'time out' or fathers that are so absorbed into working overtime or for the next promotion, whilst their children are pining their attention and time.

Most parents are unaware of the government initiative of teaching SRE at school to our children. Perhaps, what is worse, is that some parents do not even care. But the majority feel unable, or helpless to engage with their children.

Muslim Parents Forum aims to empower Muslim parents towards confident, successfull and positive parenting. The articles hope to create much needed awareness and discussion. The resources are useful primarily for home-schooling although easily adaptable for all. The Events section hopes to create a close network of useful activities available for parents and children. This is also a medium for you to connect with other parents and be a closer community, to share your concerns and respectfully present your views.

Allah Subhaana wata 'Ala, has given us children as an amanah and It is those children that will be the future of tomorrow and lead this ummah forward. Therefore, it is crucial that we unite and stand together on matters concerning the future generation of this ummah, insha'Allah.




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